The idea that glitch art is "opposed to conservation" is something that really stuck with me while reading this manifesto. As a printmaker, I am always wondering if something is archival, and then I wonder if it is worth it for it to be archival. This idea that art needs to last forever and leave a legacy shouldn't always be as necessary as it seems to be. Sometimes you just want to make something for the sake of it, so why does it need to last hundreds of years past your death?
Claiming that people who are trying to conserve these glitches mean that the artist is simply trying to domesticate it is true, but I would argue that that is the very nature of an artist. We want to domesticate the processes that we use, we want to be able to control them (even though we still want that sense of whimsy and wonder when something unexpected happens), and we want to have an idea of what is going to come out when we create it. This may be a huge overgeneralization and it could just be me and some of the artists that I am close to, but it is something that I personally have to fight every time I create something. I can not domesticate something like lithography because something always seems to shift in the process, just like these artists can not domesticate glitch art because the programs to glitch things are either changing or because they can not be replicated.
Thinking about domestication makes me think of training my dog to sit. I can make him sit by saying the word or tapping him twice on the back, but I know that the outcome will be the exact same each and every time. He will sit down (for a total of two seconds) and expect a treat. I can not do that with glitch art. I can not take the same photo and know the exact outcome each and every time, nor can attempts to replicate it come out in the exact same manner as the first creation.
With this, it gives a sense of freedom to an artist like myself who is so controlling when I create, but it also brings a huge sense of fear. I don't know how it will turn out, I don't know if it is going to work, and I don't know if it might break my computer.